Cutting edge on-site urine monitoring
ParaMedir's innovative biosensing and microfluidic technology enables healthcare professionals to improve clinical efficiency and patient outcomes.
our technology
Microfluidics & biosensors: biomonitoring redefined
ParaMedir's focus is on harnessing the potential of its core technologies: microbiosensors and microfluidics. These cutting-edge technologies are the basis for the creation of innovative bioelectronic monitoring tools tailored to on-site urine monitoring.
ParaMedir's Urimoni technology enables early diagnosis and identification of treatment response through frequent urinemonitoring. Two products based on this technology are now in development: UriMoni real-time (continous sampling) and Urimoni point-of-care (manual sampling).

our mission
Transforming healthcare by unlocking on-site urine monitoring
Our mission is to enable healthcare professionals to monitor multiple urine biomarkers on the spot. This will enable better, faster and earlier diagnosis, treatment monitoring and immediate clinical decision making.